Final Configuration

Apache2 / Mono / mod_mono / XSP do not need a lot of configurations beyond this point. As of late April 2004, XSP 0.10 and mod_mono 0.9 the DSO module now has the capability to launch the runtime container on it's own. But if one were to want to run mono with virtual hosts or with Apache's UserDir, you need to symlink things; (<-- no longer true, you can now use monoapplications to point to an xml configuration file that specifys the seperate hosts/applications)

User Applications

  1. Open up /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf with your favorite editor and change the configuration you did when you setup mod_mono to;
    ln -s /home/user/public_html /usr/local/share/doc/xsp/test/user
    This just links the public_html folder to the current Mono Root so it is accessable by http://host/mono/user

Additional Information

There are however a few things that need to be discussed. The Mono project is still under active development to release the first full featured release of Mono. The Common Language Interface (CLI) that .NET runs on is based on c# which is close to completion and scheduled for the first official release in June 2004. This allows for c# functionality with the portable enviroment but leaves the popular Visual Basic functionality out of ASP.NET. The reason for this is because with .NET, Visual Basic is interpreted with the CLI and compiled just like c# or any other language it supports. Therefor the backend needs to be almost finished before it can be truely implemented.

As of now, VisualBasic is 70% implimented. The mono project has setup a class status system (available at to view the development of the VisualBasic assemblies. While VB.NET is not scheduled to be working in June 2004 with the release of Mono 1.0, they have released a road map (avalable at to show their intentions with things such as this. As of now, VB.NET and JScript have a planned release in late 2004 but should start to be usable in the fall of 2004.


Due to the active nature of the mono project. I suggest using a distrobution that can be used with Red Carpet to gain pre-packaged binaries on the fly. I only suggest this because it might get time consuming re-compiling mono from source every month or 2.

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