Install JDK

This information is now maintained on my wiki

  1. go to and download the current version of J2SDK
  2. Install the J2SDK. I copied the .bin file from the previous step to /usr/local/, then ran it:
    cp -p j2sdk-1_4_2_03.bin /usr/local/
    This leaves /usr/local/j2sdk-1_4_2_03.
  3. Set JAVA_HOME as an environment variable, pointing to the location of the J2SDK you just installed, in this case /usr/local/j2sdk-1_4_2_03. If you want this environment variable to be available to every user system-wide, then put the following two lines into /etc/profile:
    export JAVA_HOME
  4. Verify that JAVA_HOME is set:
    echo $JAVA_HOME
    You should see the value /usr/local/j2sdk-1_4_2_03 returned. If you don't, go back through the steps until JAVA_HOME resolves to the correct value.
  5. Set your CLASSPATH
    export CLASSPATH

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